Successful Stories

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“Fitness Chakra fits my needs better than any gym I have belonged to. Eti is extremely friendly and helpful, and the trainings are excellent. I also enjoy the clientele which consists of a wide range of age groups and exercise regiment. I think this she is the best fitness trainer in Delhi.”


“I have always been skeptical about a professional trainer. I’m stubborn, busy and like to ‘do my own thing’. The bottom line is, I have never gotten 100% of the results I want on my own. I met Ms. Eti and first off fell in love with her warm & infectious personality. Her dedication & excitement towards my practice was so inspiring, I couldn’t help but give it everything I had to get the results that we were working at. For the first time in my life, I LOOK FORWARD to eating healthy! I LOVE working out with Ms. Eti & just after a few short weeks, I feel incredible! Beyond the physical goals that I am excited to reach, I am so excited to continue a lifestyle full of activity, nutrition & healthy mindsets!”


“I have learned to put my health first then let everything else come together on it’s own. It is working for me. I’ve lost 13 lbs.! I’m starting to gain more energy and learning to be mindful of my food choices and portion sizes. Trying new foods has changed everything.”


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